finished products
finished products为短语/超纲词汇
1. But this phase of our development is now finished. 但这个发展阶段已经结束。
2. By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. 到明年年底,他们将把新体育场建成。
3. But we are the ones who signal to businesses that what they are doing is okay — every time we buy their products. 每当我们购买他们的产品时,我们就在向企业发出信号,告诉他们可以这样做。
4. Besides criminal history, workers' insurance claims, and civil court records, one of their core products is credit information, which isn't always accurate. 除了犯罪记录、劳工保险索赔、民事法庭记录外,这些公司的核心产品之一是信用信息,而这种信用信息却并非总是准确的。
5. When other people are finished and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work. 别人已完成作业开始玩耍,而此时网络学生却很可能还在上课。
6. When I am finished, I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and, taking her free hand between mine, again notice the long, thin fingers. 而后,我挪了把椅子面朝她坐在床边,握住她那只空闲的手,此时我又一次注意到她那细长的手指。
7. That factory is trying to diversify its products to sell in different markets. 那家工厂试着使货品多样化,以卖到不同的市场。
8. They can find no purchasers for their products. 他们的产品卖不出去。
9. The EU----following fine continental traditions----wants agreement on general principles, which could be applied to many types of products and perhaps extended to other countries. 欧洲人遵循优良的大陆传统,则希望就普遍的原则取得一致,而这些原则适用于许多不同产品,同时可能延伸到其它国家。
10. Two of his assistants had been working busily since eight o´clock and had only just finished. 他手下两名店员从早上8点就开始忙碌,这时刚刚布置完毕。